Line up of oils for a tasting class
Here are the probable dates for my schedule of extra virgin olive oil tasting classes in London early next year. I will be running another advanced course in February 2019, dates yet to be set. I have also had some interest in courses at the weekend, this might be possible a little later in the year but, like the advanced courses, they would be held in Brighton rather than London.
If you are interested in attending one of these courses please email me at jridgway@oliveoil.org.uk.
Thursday 31st January 2019
This is my usual one day course which will be held in London at the premises of The Oil Merchant in Goldhawk Mews, Shepherd’s Bush, West London. The classes run from 10.00am to 4.30pm. They usually include twelve oils from around the olive oil world as well as samples of faulty oils from the IOC. For more information see my website http://www.oliveoil.org.uk/tasting-classes.html £185.00